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Turning "No" into "No More": Reclaiming Your Power

Writer's picture: Corinne WeberCorinne Weber

At age three, my parents were told their daughter would never amount to anything more than a dishwasher due to her "disabilities." Years later, a teacher labeled me as "subpar," insisting I was lucky to even consider community college because a four-year university wasn’t within reach. In college, my eating disorder whispered that I was unlovable, undeserving of life, "weak," "unfit," and "unworthy." By 22, voices reminded me I could never get into graduate school—after all, a 2.7 GPA painted me as a "weak-minded" student.

For much of my life, I’ve been surrounded by individuals whispering my limitations, delivering constant “no’s.” But what those people didn’t realize was that each whisper was fueling a growing roar of empowerment inside me. I transformed their "no" into my "no more."

The Impact of Words

We’ve all heard the phrase: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Yet, I find that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Words can hurt—they can break a spirit in ways no physical pain ever could. In today’s world, we see the impact of words every day. The labels, criticisms, and judgments we place on others can erode someone’s self-worth and sense of possibility.

But here’s the key: while people will say things—often harmful things—it is up to us to decide whether those words define us. We have the power to let them erode our spirit, or we can use them as fuel to build something beautiful and strong.

You Are Stronger Than You Know

It’s easy to feel small when the world keeps telling you "no." A small voice inside might whisper that you're insignificant, powerless, or destined to fail. But I argue the opposite. You are stronger than you know. You are more capable than you realize. The power to shape your future lies within you.

So many people want you to believe you are voiceless, that you don’t matter. It’s a lie that far too many of us accept. But let me remind you of the truth:


Many people in your life will tell you "no." They will doubt your abilities, your dreams, and your worth. Often, these “no’s” come from their own fears—fear of the unknown, fear of losing control, fear of seeing you succeed where they did not. But their fear is not your burden to carry.

Reclaiming the Power of "No"

The word “no” itself isn’t inherently bad. In some cases, it’s even necessary—setting boundaries, protecting our well-being, and making hard choices. But when “no” is used to tear someone down or limit their potential, that’s when it becomes toxic. And that’s when we have the power to say, “No more.”

We don’t have to accept these limitations. You can turn every “no” that is meant to diminish you into a declaration of your worth and power. Be brave enough to know that you are enough, that you are capable of amazing things. The toxic comments and doubts from others can become kindling for the fire that will fuel your dreams and desires.

You Are Enough

When the world says “no,” let that be your cue to stand taller. Turn their “no” into your “no more.” No more believing you aren’t good enough. No more letting others define your worth. No more letting fear hold you back.

You are enough. You are worthy of success, of love, of living a life filled with possibility. The journey ahead may not be easy, but it is yours to claim. Every “no” you face is an opportunity to push forward and prove to yourself that you can.

Turn your “no’s” into NO MORE and start your journey toward empowerment.

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